3 min readJun 16, 2021

Security system is the main component in a platform, in addition to superior features. Like a house, the bigger and grander a house is, the tighter the security system must be. Make guard posts in every corner of the house, guard dogs, alarms, CCTV, and others. All this is done for the comfort of the residents of the house.

These days, the cyber world is endlessly talking about threats from hackers to scamming. Their presence has disturbed various digital technology-based platforms that are connected to the internet network. According to Cybint Solutions, at least 40% of the total sample of 30 e-commerce sites was attacked by hackers. Hafiz Fianto Putra, Wirawan, and Ontoseno Penangsang (Vol. 8, №1, 2019) in the ITS engineering journal, found a problem with the smart grid network, namely an unsafe transmission line resulting in customer data falling to irresponsible parties.

The presence of blockchain technology and cryptography can answer problems related to digital data security. In simple terms, Cryptography is an encryption technique of original text (plaintext) that is scrambled through a special algorithm so that the original text will be difficult to read (ciphertext) by parties who do not have a description key.

FTXF has an additional security system to protect the platform from hackers. The FTXF security system is implemented in two events, namely Automated Vulnerability Tests and Manual Security Tests.

1. Automated Vulnerability Tests

a. Mythril

Mythril is a startup focused on covert computing. Mythril collaborates with Intel SGX to present a reliable security system in the digital world. Note: enclaves are a security system that relies on several modern Intel Central Processing Units (CPUs) to give users access to sensitive areas whose contents are protected so that they are difficult to access freely outside the enclave. Several large platforms have used enclave systems to protect digital data such as amazon.

b. Slither

Shither is an analysis script for static code built through Python programs. Shither is considered a versatile and flexible tool because the way it is implemented is quite simple but has excellent Continuous Integration (CI) compatibility. Note: CI is a continuous integration process to detect code errors or other problems.

c. Oyente

Oyente is an open-source analysis tool. Oyente works to find potential security bugs in developers’ smart contracts. Oyente identified data vulnerabilities that expose developers to enormous risks.

d. MythX

MythX is a ConsenSys software-based security service that focuses on static analysis, dynamic analysis, and symbol execution. This security tool is useful for the security of smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

e. HoneyBadger

HoneyBadger is a service that focuses on high-level security systems. Security system services have strong legality because they adhere to European Union government regulations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation that protects personal data. Includes Transport Layer Security (TSL)/Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) features that complement HoneyBadger’s protection against global hackers.

2. Manual Security Tests

a. SWC-Registry

SWC-Registry is a database that contains a list of vulnerabilities of smart contracts in various views (graphs, tables, etc.). In terms of system security issues, FTXF is committed to analyzing, identifying, and executing bugs from time to time so that the platform’s security system is maintained properly.

b. Overflow

Overflow is an attempt by FTXF to prevent software coding errors that attackers can exploit to gain full system access.

Thus the description of the FTXFund token security system that the author can summarize simply. Do you feel more confident with FTFund? What are you waiting for! Join FTXFund now to create a place where you can find your big dreams.

Authorized by elshalih

